Every year we hear about the new trends that people want and the ones that people want to get rid of. When it comes to interior design, here are a few of the things that people wanted this year (and will likely continue to want next year).
This year, colors like emerald green, ruby red, amethyst, and sapphire have grown in popularity. When you combine these with shiny metallic elements, also a popular trend this year, you can get a sense of opulence without all the opulence oversized furniture that was so popular not that long ago. At the same time, saturated neutral colors offer a bit of balance and restoration.
Last year, it was granite. This year, marble is back in the kitchen with a vengeance. As a matter of fact, marble has become more than a stone: it has become a popular pattern in carpets, wall coverings, and other fabrics as well.
Over the last year, natural wood grains grew in popularity. “Cerused” wood refers to wood (products) that have been treated in such a way that emphasizes its natural characteristics. These were popular choices for cabinets, tables, chairs, and other furniture.
From hassocks to foot stools to storage chests and credenzas, nailhead details have made a big splash this year. Much more than edging or molding accents, some designers have even taken to using metallic nailheads as a medium for artistic expression, using them to create patterns on their Sofa cum bed furniture.
This might be quite obvious but any piece of home-integrated technology that actually makes your living space more efficient or comfortable is certainly going to be popular this year. That will also likely continue for the next few years, especially as this field grows more and more interesting.